- Power Cable
- USB High Speed cable
- Cable Kit
- 2 sets of screws/nuts
- 1 set of clips
- MCU card for ATmega2560
The STK600 is a complete starter kit and development system for the AVR flash microcontrollers from ATMEL? Corporation. It is designed to give designers a quick start to develop code on the AVR, combined with advanced features for using the starter kit to prototype and test new designs.
- AVR Studio 4/AVR32 Studio compatible
- USB Interface to PC for programming and control
- Powered from USB bus or from an external 10-15V DC power supply
- Adjustable target VCC (0-5.5V)
- Two adjustable reference voltages with high accuracy. (0-5.0V, 10mV res)
- Clock oscillator, adjustable on the fly from AVRStudio (0-50MHz, 0.1% res)
- Serial In-System Programming (ISP) of tinyAVR and megaAVR devices
- PDI Programming of XMEGA devices
- JTAG programming of 8-bit megaAVR, 8/16-bit AVR XMEGA and 32-bit AVR UC3 devices
- aWire Programming of 32-bit AVR UC3 devices
- ISP and JTAG programming of AVR devices in external target systems
- Flexible routing and socket card system for easy mounting of all supported devices
- 8 push-buttons for general use
- 8 LEDs for general use
- All AVR I/O ports easily accessible through pin header connectors
- Expansion connectors for plug-in modules and prototyping area
- On-board 2Mbit Dataflash for non-volatile data
- USB mini-AB (On-The-Go) connector for AVR devices with USB
- PHY and DSUB-9 connetor for RS232 interface
- PHY and DSUB-9 connector for CAN bus
- PHY and header for LIN bus
- Device board with an ATmega2560 AVR microcontroller is included.